
The Brine Task Force is a group of thoughtful and committed Ohioans interested in stopping the hazardous practice of brine spreading in our communities. Together, we know that we can push back against the oil and gas industry and their profitable practice of selling their toxic waste to our communities as a method of de-icing the roads.

Using the years above, you will find brine spreading reports by county and city. We’ve organized these files by year for ease of use.

Do you want oil and gas waste on your lawn?

What they spray on the roads does not stay on the roads, but rather washes off into our lawns. Drilling waste contains radioactive (Radium 226 & 228) substances, lead, and other harmful chemicals.

Do you want those getting into your groundwater? Your garden? Your lawn?

I didn’t think so.

And this is why we must act now. When we stand together and make our voices heard, we protect our communities from environmental hazard violate our basic human rights.

To learn more about our mission and ways that you can get involved in ending this disastrous, fill out our contact form below.

Contact Us

If you have questions, comments, concerns, or just want to learn how you can get involved and make a difference, contact us below. This website is maintained and monitored by the Buckeye Environmental Network (BEN) in conjunction with other grassroots organizations and individuals. We welcome you to the resistance, to the BRINE TASK FORCE.

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